Company: Reeb Millwork • Smithfield, RI     

­Job Title: Customer Service Supervisor         

How did you begin your career in the LBM Industry?

I began my career 15 years ago at Reeb Millwork as an entry-level shop employee who was responsible for packaging door units after they were built.

What are some of the responsibilities of your position?

My responsibilities in my current position are to manage a team of customer service representatives, estimators, and order support individuals. We are responsible for making sure our phone lines and emails are answered in a timely fashion while providing excellent customer service. Typical requests are questions, order requests, and quote requests.

What are some of the biggest challenges you face in your career?

The biggest challenge I have faced so far was having to manage a half-staffed team

during COVID, when we thought business sales volume would decrease, but, instead,

it drastically increased. On top of that, we had major issues in our supply chain,

making everyone’s job that much more difficult.

What have you learned since working in the industry?

I have learned that self-development is the key to making yourself and the people around you better. Surrounding yourself with experienced and intelligent leaders, like our operations manager, George Hayes, is the best way to be challenged and grow.

What advice would you give to anyone new to the industry?

Take advantage of your veteran co-workers and get to know as much as you can from

them about what your company does and how and why they do it that way.

Develop a group of people around you that you know will be supportive and helpful

when you do have questions or need help.

What are your passions outside of the office?

I enjoy hiking with my family and weightlifting.

Do you have an employee or co-worker under the age of 40 who is actively and proudly working in the LBM Industry?
 If so, we want to know! Please submit your nominee here and they may be featured in an issue of the Lumber Co-operator!