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Imagine this: One product that combines a weather-resistant barrier, continuous insulation, and an innovative pre-applied seam-sealing solution to save time and money on a jobsite. This tactful combination of solutions delivers everything a builder is looking for today in one SKU.

Continuous insulation is currently being brought into the home envelope conversation more and more. The three main benefits of continuous insulation are energy efficiency, moisture control, and comfort. (While there are other benefits, let’s focus our attention on these three.) Additionally, continuous insulation comes in various forms, and selecting the best solution can be overwhelming for a residential home or a commercial project. A product that covers all three major benefits while having a built-in seam tape to save tremendous amounts of time and effort on a jobsite is exactly what the market needs.

As compliance with continuous insulation codes (IECC 2018 and 2021) becomes more difficult, manufacturers and suppliers have been challenged to think fast and come up with ways they can help the everyday builder and homeowner meet building code requirements that is not only budget-friendly but will stand the test of time and truly weatherize a home. While there are many products available on the market today, few combine all the necessities that make sense and live up to their marketing over time. Many of these products meet the code requirements but miserably fail to truly protect the building from a bulk water holdout. As a result, builders are forced to use two separate products or a product that simply “meets code” and isn’t taking care of all the expectations when properly enveloping a building.

The next piece of the conversation is time. For example, consider how long it takes a builder to install traditional insulation on a residential job. Two to three passes must typically be made around the building. The builder must make sure everything is sealed with tape, gaps are closed, and any nail holes are sealed. Having a product that has a built-in seam tape and a semi-vapor permeable weather-resistive barrier would reduce the total number of passes around the house. The speed of construction could be reduced by as much as 30%! Time is money, and now more than ever, money means a great deal to people. Helping a builder achieve a proper home envelope system while simultaneously saving them time and reducing the number of products needed on the jobsite is in everybody’s best interest. In other words, SKU rationalization is a very important piece of continuous insulation conversation to think about.

In closing, the idea of continuous insulation combined with a high-end weather-resistive barrier with a built-in seam tape is no longer just an idea. It is a reality, and it is a true need for the various markets our industry services overall. Builders and homeowners should do their research and ask all pertinent questions when selecting a building envelope system. Is your insulation just meeting code or could it do so much more? The conversation has just begun, but we have so much more to explore and learn with the evolution of time and the building materials industry.

Kate Desormier is the product manager at Holden Humphrey Company. Kate can be reached at kate@holdenhumphrey.com or at 800-777-1053.