Brentwood, TN — SoftPlan Systems, Inc. has released SoftPlan 2024. SoftPlan 2024 incorporates hundreds of new features that enhance the unique design experience SoftPlan has to offer. 

The most substantial update to SoftPlan 2024 is the significant improvement to SoftPlan’s 3D rendering capabilities. Earlier versions capped the maximum path tracing at 1,000 passes but SoftPlan 2024 increases the maximum number to 20,000 passes which allows SoftPlan to generate drastically more refined 3D imagery than before. Additionally, this version handles transparent surfaces and semi-opaque textures more accurately, reducing artifacts which results in a cleaner image. Combining these changes with the greatly advanced rendering of backgrounds provides SoftPlan 2024 with the power to produce remarkably more realistic 3D images and animations. 

Another big change in this release is the new overlay functionality. A more comprehensive Overlay command allows users to add overlays of other floors to the current drawing and specify the items that are visible on each floor. After adding an overlay of another floor, the user then has the option to create an overlay viewport that can be cropped to only display the overlaid items within the viewport. 

SoftPlan 2024 also expands SoftPlan’s site creation tools by introducing a feature that allows SoftPlan to quickly import, scale, and rotate Google satellite images of sites and then fit them to the size of the workspace. Additionally, this release includes a new Pool command that makes it much easier to draw and customize swimming pools. 

The new web3d feature allows SoftPlan subscribers to publish 3D models directly to the web to be viewed by anyone the user wishes. Once published, SoftPlan creates a link to the project’s web3d page which is hosted on the SoftPlan website. SoftPlan web3d models can be viewed and navigated on PC, phone, or tablet without needing to download and install any additional software. 

Over 30,000 architectural, building, and remodeling companies have discovered SoftPlan as the foremost CAD package for residential building professionals. 

About SoftPlan Systems, Inc.  Since 1985, SoftPlan has strived to provide an ever-evolving software solution that is powerful while being easy to learn and use. Working through twenty-one separate releases, SoftPlan has continued to invest in new product development in order to remain an industry leader. A free trial version of SoftPlan 2024 is available by visiting