Tando Composites, the leader in composite cladding, recently generated excitement with the unveiling of TandoStone ProBrick, its new line of composite brick, at IBS 2025 in Las Vegas. 

Known for game-changing composite cladding products like Beach House Shake, the authentic composite shingle, and TandoStone, the #1 brand of composite stone, Tando Composites is launching a new category of, brick substitute that siding installers have demanded for residential, commercial, or multifamily housing.

“ProBrick has created a new category of Composite Brick designed for siding professionals,” said Ralph Bruno, CEO, Derby Building Products, parent company of Tando Composites. “We have a proven formulation and an established track record for our Tando Composites’ brands. The addition of ProBrick to our line-up takes our entire offering to the next level.”

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At a fraction of the weight of traditional brick, TandoStone ProBrick can be installed quickly and easily in any weather by siding installers using traditional tools. There is never a need for masons, mortar, or scaffolding. ProBrick also features Tando Composites’ state-of-the-art KAPGUARD with Kynar coating technology to ensure color longevity.

TandoStone ProBrick is available in two colors: Madeira, a rich, classic red and Racinette, a deep, earthy brown. The ProBrick line also includes the aLL-Pro Corner, a one-piece corner designed to save time and labor while blending perfectly in any application. 

To learn more about Tando Composites, visit www.tandocomposites.com.

 About Tando Composites

Tando Composites, a division of Derby Building Products, is the leader in composite exterior cladding with Beach House Shake, the authentic composite shingle, and TandoStone, a leading brand of composite stone. Backed by more than five decades of product innovation, Tando Composites produces high-performance products professionals prefer and consumers demand. Learn more about TandoStone at http://www.tandocomposites.com and Beach House Shake at http://www.beachhouseshake.com.