Affordable/Mixed Use Housing
- Building needs to be made easier
- Keep youth in our communities
- Improve community strength
Funding for Unemployment Compensation Loans from Feds
- Need state surplus to help pay down debt
- Should not be paid on the back of employers only
- Inhibits business growth and increases costs on goods and services
Highway Use Tax
- Support repeal
- Different treatment of in- and out-of-state truckers–no out-of-state enforcement mechanism
Minimum Wage
- Untie from EIC or pause 1/24 increase
- Difficult for employers to afford in current inflation environment
- Intention was not to have MW increase so quickly as it would in current environment
Predictive Scheduling
- Businesses strive to publish schedules well in advance
- Prevents flexibility when schedules need to be changed
- Drives up costs for public and private construction projects
Clean Air Act
- The state should reevaluate implementation timeline
- Costs and loss of revenue to the state needs to be considered